Our Team

Our team is passionate about working with seniors and dedicated to the Baycrest values of compassion, advocacy, respect, and exceptional service. We’re proud of the work we do to advance the quality of life of our residents.

Residents have a strong voice at Baycrest Terraces through the Resident Council and are an active part of our community.


Alec Badley
General Manager,
Residential Living
416-785-2500 x 3491

Silvana Domi
Program Director,
Operations & Business Development
416-785-2500 x 2282

Debra Conway-Chung
Program Director,
Residential and Community Programs  416-785-2500 x 2541

Reesa Soto
Sales & Marketing Specialist
416-785-2500 x 2263

Concierge Desk

Visit us and meet the people who make
Baycrest Terraces a special place to live.